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Accounting Paper II-Business Mathematics
Accounting Paper II-Business Mathematics
Topic outline
Logarithm and Logarithmic functions part II
Logarithm and Logarithmic functions part III
Logarithm part I
Basic Concept of Set Theory
Introduction of Annuities, True Discount & Bankers Discount
Introduction of Average
Introduction of Compound Interest
Introduction of Linear Programming
introduction of percentage
Introduction of Ratio
Introduction of Simultaneous Equations
Introduction of simple interest
Misc problem of set theory
Sums of Simultaneous Equations
Word Problem of Simultaneous Equations
Accounting Paper II-Business Mathematics
Logarithm and Logarithmic functions part II
Logarithm and Logarithmic functions part III
Logarithm part I
Basic Concept of Set Theory
Introduction of Annuities, True Discount & Bankers Discount
Introduction of Average
Introduction of Compound Interest
Introduction of Linear Programming
introduction of percentage
Introduction of Ratio
Introduction of Simultaneous Equations
Introduction of simple interest
Misc problem of set theory
Sums of Simultaneous Equations
Word Problem of Simultaneous Equations