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Tax Procedure and Practice Paper II-Goods and Services Tax
Tax Procedure and Practice Paper II-Goods and Services Tax
Topic outline
Composition Scheme illustration and practical
Composition Scheme - Introduction
Elements of GST
Exempted goods and services under GST
GST - Introduction, Concept
Indirect Taxes
Registration - Cancellation and Revocation
Registration under GST -Process
Registration- Introduction, benefits
Registration- Persons liable to register
Supply under GST - Types
Supply under GST- Concept, Scope
Tax Invoice (Goods- Manufacturers and Traders- Practical Problems
Tax Invoice – Introduction and types
Tax Invoice (goods- manufacturers, traders- proforma)
Tax invoice (Services and Interstate- Illustration)
Tax invoice (Services- practical problems)
taxable supply of goods (manufacturers proforma)
Taxable Supply of Goods (Manufacturers) Practical
taxable supply of goods (traders proforma)
Taxable Supply of Goods (Traders) Practical Problems
Taxable Supply of Services Practical
Taxable Supply of Services Procedure and Illustrations
Taxable value of Supply - Introduction
Input Tax Credit-Provisions
Input Tax Credit- Introduction
Tax Procedure and Practice Paper II-Goods and Services Tax
Composition Scheme illustration and practical
Composition Scheme - Introduction
Elements of GST
Exempted goods and services under GST
GST - Introduction, Concept
Indirect Taxes
Registration - Cancellation and Revocation
Registration under GST -Process
Registration- Introduction, benefits
Registration- Persons liable to register
Supply under GST - Types
Supply under GST- Concept, Scope
Tax Invoice (Goods- Manufacturers and Traders- Practical Problems
Tax Invoice – Introduction and types
Tax Invoice (goods- manufacturers, traders- proforma)
Tax invoice (Services and Interstate- Illustration)
Tax invoice (Services- practical problems)
taxable supply of goods (manufacturers proforma)
Taxable Supply of Goods (Manufacturers) Practical
taxable supply of goods (traders proforma)
Taxable Supply of Goods (Traders) Practical Problems
Taxable Supply of Services Practical
Taxable Supply of Services Procedure and Illustrations
Taxable value of Supply - Introduction
Input Tax Credit-Provisions
Input Tax Credit- Introduction